Carol Elizabeth Clark, MA, PhD, was a Fellow at Balliol between 1973 and 2004 and Emeritus Fellow from 2004. Carol was a loyal and enthusiastic supporter of the Chapel and Chapel choir; indeed she was on her way home from singing with the choir at Evensong on 14 June 2015 when she was taken ill. The College has recently established the Carol Clark Choral Fund in her memory, to which donations are invited.
Make a gift to the Carol Clark Choral Fund
John Beecher (MPhil in Modern History, 2011) died of cancer in his second year at Balliol, aged 25. He was a historian and writer with a promising academic career. Intensely literary and well read, self-effacing and wryly witty, John blossomed at Oxford, where he revelled in the academic environment and made many friends.
The John Beecher Memorial Fund was established by John’s friends in the Balliol MCR to commemorate his life. The fund is used to advance the intellectual life of graduate students at Balliol, with an emphasis on areas for which John was passionate, including history, literature, vegetarianism, animal welfare, social justice, theatre and the performing arts. Possible uses of the fund include:
The MCR has begun staging an annual play in the Holywell Manor gardens (2014 Twelfth Night, 2015 The Importance of Being Earnest, 2016 French without Tears), with the profits going to the John Beecher Memorial Fund.
Make a gift to the John Beecher Memorial Fund
The Lakshman Kadirgamar Fund is established in memory of Lakshman Kadirgamar (1932-2005), Honorary Fellow of Balliol College. A distinguished international lawyer, he served as Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka in 1994-2001 and from 2004 until his assassination in 2005. The Fund provides assistance for students from Asia at Balliol College, and its proceeds may be used for this purpose in conjunction with other funds.Make a gift to the Lakshman Kadirgamar Fund
Professor Leslie Woods, Fellow of Balliol, passed away on 15 April 2007. The Les Woods Memorial Fund, set up in his memory, is used to support academic initiatives at the College which may include a book prize or scholarship in his name.
Make a gift to the Les Woods Memorial Fund
Oliver's family, some friends and former students, working with Balliol, have set up a fund in his memory to support the Classical activities at the College which were so close to Oliver's heart and to which he devoted so many years. The income from this fund is used where the need is greatest, for example to support the following projects:
Make a gift to the Oliver Lyne Memorial Fund
The Dan Norman Fund was established through the generosity of David Norman (Balliol 1975) and his family in April 2020, in order to advance scientific research into addiction in memory of Dan.
The Fund achieves its objectives through funding:
Make a gift to the Dan Norman Fund.
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