Support New College
Your regular support makes all the difference
New College relies on the support of its Old Members and friends in helping us to deliver what is so important to us:
- attracting the most able students irrespective of their financial means through bursaries, scholarships and our access and outreach work
- supprting students when they are here through travel and research grants, sporting and cultural awards and the Student Support Fund
- securing the future of the exceptional tutorial system by endowing our tutorial fellowships
- developing young academics and investing in the cutting-edge research of tomrrow
- maintaining and developing the historic fabric of the College to enhance the academic and cultural experience of College life
Last year some 20% of Old Members contributed to the College; do please join them in helping us to ensure the continued success of the College. Every contribution matters and we will be most grateful for your support.
If you wish you can make a donation on-line now.