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William Westerman Pathfinder Host Availability Form

Please fill out the form below to register as a William Westerman Pathfinder Host. Please select which Westerman Pathfinder Programme (USA and Canada or Asia) you would like to host for when indicated.

Questions that require an answer are marked with  *
* Name
Name of spouse/partner
* Year of Matriculation
Home address
Home email
Work email
Home telephone
Are you interested in being a host in the coming year?
If yes, what, approximately, are your preferred dates from July through September?
Which dates should definitely be avoided?
Do you have any pets?
Have you been a host in the past?
If yes, how many years have you previously agreed to host?
Have you ever been a Pathfinder?
If yes, what year were you a Pathfinder in?
If you have any comments or you can't be a host but would be willing to meet a Westerman Pathfinder just for a drink or dinner, or to show them around your town, please let us know